Understanding Malaysian Chinese Community From Historical Viewpoint

In 19th-20th century, large group of Chinese were brought in to Malaysia for rubber and tin sector by British colonial. At the early stage, majority of the Chinese are located at a same area. Chinese community organization like temple, guild, clan association, chamber, and dialect association were established in order to survive, to help each other, to protect their rights and to sustain their cultural.

Chinese community organizations are mainly established to take care of welfare, arbitration, social, education and cultural affair for the benefits of its members. The establishment of temple is aim to provide a platform of Spiritual sustenance for the Chinese who left their country (China mainland), family and came over to Tanah Melayu.

Chinese believed that they can get their direction of life from God through believes. Guild and Clan Association are the main factor in the way to create a successful Chinese Community. For example, Selangor KL Hokkein Association built Chong Hua Confucius in year 1919. Selangor Chha Yong Association built Tong Shin Hospital in year 1881.

Chinese Chamber also plays important part in helping Chinese entrepreneur in business, lots of local level chamber were established around the country to help Chinese entrepreneurs. Dialect association mainly take care of the cultural development of its members who came from the same province in China.

Chinese cemetery association were also play important part in building up the Chinese community in Malaysia. This type of association will take care of the death affairs for those who does not has any relative to take care of their death affairs. Chinese cemetery association has showed the loyalty of Chinese and they are trying to leave over this good morality practice to next generations.

As conclusion, Chinese organisation and association play very important part in creating the stability of today’s Chinese community. As what we see today, Malaysian Chinese has passed through a long historical journey to have such achievement today. Therefore, we must continue to leave over the morality taught by the forefather who set up all these Chinese organisations and associations which benefited the Chinese community.

Buddhism in Malaysia

Buddhism and defined that there are 2 main types of Buddhism i.e. Mahayana (大乘) and Hinayana (小乘).

Few things can be said with certainty about Mahayana Buddhism especially its early Indian form, other than that that the Buddhism practiced in China, Korea, Tibet, and Japan is Mahayana Buddhism. Mahayana can be described as a loosely bound bundle of many teachings, which was able to contain the various contradictions found between those differing teachings. Mahayana is a vast religious and philosophical structure. It constitutes an inclusive faith characterized by the adoption of new Mahayana Sutras, in addition to the traditional Pali canon or Aghama texts, and a shift in the basic purpose and concepts of Buddhism.

About Hinayana, Hinayana is used by Mahayanists as a name to refer variously to one or more doctrines, traditions, practitioners or thoughts that are generally concerned with the achievement of  Nirvana as an Arahant or a Pratyeka-Buddha as opposed to the achievement of liberation as a Samyaksambuddha wherein the Samyaksambuddha is deemed to operate from a basis of vowing to effect the spiritual liberation of all beings and creatures from the suffering of samsara (not just himself or a small number of others).

The development of the Buddhism in Malaysia in the aspect of temple or monastery and Buddhism organizations are as follows:

1.    The first temple in Penang is Kong Hock Keong (广福宫) which founded by a group of Hokkien and Cantonese Chinese in 18th century
2.    1891, the development of Kek Lok Si pagoda 极乐寺宝塔which completed in 1906 with 3 types of culture i.e. Thai, Myanmar and Chinese
3.    1925, the establishment of Penang Buddhism Institute 槟城佛学院 which started with the involvement in education
4.    1939, the foundation of Par Tay Institute with the strong financial support from Hu Wen Hu.
5.    1955, the formation of Malaysia Buddhism Association 马来西亚佛教总会
6.    1970, the formation of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia 马来西亚佛教青年总会
7.    1989, the entry of Fo Guang Shan Malaysia 马来西亚佛光山总会
8.    1995, Malaysia Tzu Chi 慈济功德会founded and has actively involve in the voluntary works


5. Plan Of Action

The following of action will be used to achieve the National Youth Development Policy:

5.1     To provide knowledge-based training programmes jointly organized by public agencies, youth organizations, NGOs and the private sector.

5.2    To strengthen leadership and self development programmes that can further develop self-resilience, familial, religious and social institutions; thus enhancing the efficiency of rules played by our youth.

5.3     To upgrade skills development training, and create entrepreneurial and commercial opportunities that will propel youth to be independent, competent and capable of pursuing successful careers.

5.4     To empower youth organisations so that they capture the interests, commitment and enthusiasm of young people and activities planned by the society.

5.5     To provide opportunities and facilities for the self-development of the young people in social and economic functions.

5.6     To enhance the spirit of volunteerism I and patriotism through social, welfare i and voluntary works.

5.7     To ensure the understanding of youth in matters of globalisation, the importance of partnership with governmental I agencies, NGOs, the private sector and international networking.

5.8     To provide the necessary infrastructure , and mechanism for youth activities ‘ relating to research, assessment and ,evaluation.

6. Implementation Principles

1 All programmes and activities will be co-ordinated in accordance with strategies and I action plans founded upon the principles of the ‘Rukun Negara’ (Pillars of the Nation) and other relevant national policies. I

7. Conclusion

The National Youth Development Policy serves as a guide to enable all parties to plan and undertake 1I programmes that galvanize efforts in youth development.

5. Pelan Tindakan

Strategi di atas akan dilaksanakan melalui tindakan berikut:-

5.1 Menyediakan program keilmuan dan latihan kepada generasi muda yang dianjurkan bersama oleh agensi sektor awam, swasta, pertubuhan belia dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan.

5.2     Mengukuhkan program pembangunan kepimpinan dan bina sahsiah bagi membina kekuatan diri, institusi kekeluargaan, keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan supaya generasi belia dapat berperanan dengan berkesan.

5.3     Memantapkan program latihan kemahiran, peluang perniagaan dan keusahawanan supaya generasi belia mampu berdikari dan membina kerjaya yang cemerlang.

5.4     Mengupayakan pertubuhan belia supaya dapat menarik minat golongan belia dan masyarakat menyokong dan menyertai aktiviti yang dianjurkan.

5.5    Menyediakan peluang dan kemudahan kepada golongan belia untuk memajukan diri dalam bidang sosial dan ekonomi.

5.6    Meningkatkan semangat kesukarelaan dan patriotisme melalui kerja-kerja amal, kebajikan dan kemasyarakatan.

5.7    Memberi kefahaman generasi belia tentang konsep persejagatan (globalisasi) dan kepentingan hubungan mereka dengan agensi kerajaan, swasta, pertubuhan belia dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan serta jaringan antarabangsa.

5.8    Menyediakan prasarana dan mekanisme yang sesuai bagi kegiatan penyelidikan belia termasuk pemantauan dan penilaian.

6. Prinsip Perlaksanaan

Semua program dan aktiviti diselaraskan berasaskan strategi dan pelan tindakan yang telah ditentukan berteraskan kepada Prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara dan dasar-dasar utama negara yang berkaitan.

7. Rumusan

Dasar Pembangunan Belia Negara adalah panduan yang dapat memberi peluang dan ruang kepada semua pihak dalam merancag dan melaksanakan program untuk memperkasa pembangunan belia.


4. Strategies

In order to realise the National Youth Development Policy, the following strategies will be implemented:

4.I Knowledge Development

Efforts will be geared towards enhancing the knowledge base in various subjects; hence functioning as a foundation for the competence of youth.

4.2 Attitudinal development

As a response and future challenges, efforts will focus on the inculcation of moral values and the development of a positive and creative attitude.

4.3 Vocational and Entrepreneurial Development

To equip youth with state-of-art technical knowledge and vocational skills, as well as involving them in entrepreneurial activities in line with the demands of nation-building.

4.4 lnculcation of a Healthy Lifestyle

Youths are encouraged to engage in social and voluntary activities that lead to a healthy, active and dynamic lifestyle. This lifestyle will nurture our youth into responsible leaders of high caliber.

4.5 Facilities for Social Interaction

To upgrade relevant facilities that contribute towards promoting healthy interactions and social activities amongst youth and communities.

4.6 Partnership in Development

To utilise partnership and co-operation amongst governmental agencies, NGOs and the private sector for the benefit of youth development.

4.7 International Relations and Networking

To encourage youth to further promote closer ties and international networking with international communities.

4. Strategi

Untuk mencapai Dasar Pembangunan Belia Negara beberapa strategi akan dilaksanakan:-

4.1 Pembangunan ilmu

Usaha akan dipertingkatkan ke arah mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan di dalam berbagai aspek sebagai tunggak kepada pembangunan dan kernantapan generasi belia.

4.2 Pembentukan Sikap

Usaha ke arah penerapan nilai-nilai murni dan pembentukan sikap yang positif dan kreatif akan dipupuk di kalangan belia bagi menghadapi cabaran semasa dan akan datang.

4.3 Pembangunan Kemahiran dan Keusahawanan

Mempersiapkan generasi belia dengan teknologi terkini, kemahiran teknik dan vokasional sert a kegiatan keusahawanan selaras dengan kehendak pembangunan negara.

4.4 Pemupukan Gaya Hidup Sihat

Generasi belia digalakkan menyertai persatuan atau aktiviti sukarela yang dapat memupuk gaya hidup yang sihat, cergas dan dinamik. Amalan lni akan dapat melahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab dan berkualiti.

4.5 Kemudahan lnteraksi Sosial

Mempertingkatkan kemudahan yang sesuai bagi menggalakkan aktiviti dan interaksi sosial yang sihat di kalangan belia dan masyarakat.

4.6. Perkongsian Dalam Pembangunan

Menggunakan perkongsian dan kerjasama antara agensi kerajaan, swasta dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan untuk pembangunan generasi beiia.

4.7 Jaringan Hubungan Antarabangsa

Menggalakkan generasi belia meningkatkan jaringan dan interaksi dengan masyarakat antarabangsa.



1 Introduction

1.1 Youth constitute a resource of tremendous potential and they can contribute significantly to the overall development of the nation. The ability to harness the potentials of youths will determine our strength and resilience in pursuing social, economic and political development.

2. Status Of Youth

2.1 Young people between the age range of 15 -40 assume the status of (youth). Nevertheless, the main focus of youth development programmes and activities involve young people from 18-25 year of age.

3. Objective

3.1 To establish a holistic and harmonious Malaysian youth force imbued with strong sprititual and moral values, who are responsible, independent and patriotic thus serving as a stimulus to the development and prosperity of the nation in consonance with the vision 2020.


1. Pendahuluan

1.1 Generasi belia merupakan sumber terbesar dalam negara dan mereka berpotensi untuk menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara.

1.2. Keupayaan mengembeling tenaga belia akan menentukan kekuatan dan ketahanan pembangunan sosial, ekonomi dan politik negara.

2. Takrif Belia

2.1 Dari segi umur belia ialah mereka yang berumur antara 15 hingga 40 tahun. Walau bagaimanapun dari segi strategi perlaksanaan program dan orientasi aktiviti, tumpuan utama ialah mereka yang berumur 18 hingga 25 tahun.

3. Matlamat

3.1 Mewujudkan belia Malaysia yang memiliki peribadi yang bersepadu dari segi rohaniah, akliah dan jasmaniah, bertanggungjawab , berdikari, bersemangat sukarela dan patriotik serta menjadi penggerak kepada kemajuan dan kemakmuran bangsa, agama dan negara selaras dengan Wawasan 2020.

Who we are & how do we engage with the world?

Our country, Malaysia is an active member of various international organisations, including:

the Commonwealth of Nations,

the United Nations and many of its specialized agencies, including

Under the leadership of Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad, Malaysia’s foreign policy stance began to take a much greater economic orientation that before.

Coupled with a strong and nationalistic defence of the rights, interest and aspirations of developing countries and the advocacy of south-south co-operation and also a program of outreach to Islamic countries through the OIC.

Other issues the are interesting for discussions:

  • Relations with Singapore
  • Spratly islands and Limbang,
  • Foreign migrants (Indonesian and Filipino migrants)
  • Malaysia’s Foreign Policy Principle
  • Islamic Positions (Palestine, Iraq, Islamic terrorism)
  • 9MP on Federal Government Development Allocation and Expenditure for Ministry of Foreign Affairs

An Process In Its Evolution

Socialist Planning Process

Socialist believes that cultural, property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community aka state. These controls are either directly exercised through collectives such as local councils, or indirectly, exercised on behalf of the people by the state.

This presumption “ideal” form of society/country, whether derived from planning theory, religion believe or a collective, local visioning process will be created by employing statewide growth-management laws employ a top-down, centralized view of planning with minor variations. An analogy would be the “Procedural Approach” of computer programming.

Take an example, Malaysia is now in its 9th Malaysia Plan, 5 years each, which ‘plans’ anything from Education to Healthcare and a federal budget is allocated accordingly. Directions are given from the federal government to state level, requiring local governments to adopt plans consistent with statewide goals.

Despite the variation in emphasis and leadership style, after 45 years of implementation in the short history since achieved the nation’s independence, this top-down approach now represents ‘the tradition’ and is the most conventional method adopted by the nation’s planners in government, political & religion organizations, large corporate and institutions.

Shifting the balance of power to the authorities, political leaders, government servants and  corporate leaders alike believe that these centralized planning are “the remedy” to what they saw as the inherent flaws of capitalism, such as monopolies, business cycles, unemployment, vast inequalities in the distribution of wealth, and  most important of all, the exploitation of the rakyat (people). In this region, Singapore is famous for its strict government control while a good example in Malaysia is the National Economic Policy (NEP), which has long been used and sacredly defended as ‘the tool’ to re-distribute wealth and curb poverty.

The rigid top-down model of socialist planning process, compounded by human nature, would unintentionally reduces innovation and substantially increases the costs of development because of the protracted time it takes to implement them.

Market-Oriented Planning Process

The market-oriented planning process started by asking one basic question: How can public policy ensure the formation of a society/country that the people want? This starting point is fundamentally different from the one used in conventional (socialist) planning as it recognizes that the people, both current and future, will determine whether community is desirable.

The market-oriented planning placed the people at the center of any discussion of the role of public policy. The long-term goal in a market-oriented planning is to ensure a wide range of choices, and quality of life is defined by the people themselves. The planning process should accommodate this goal; instead of determining the outcome. This philosophy is quite the same with the “Object Oriented” approach in computer programming.

While conventional procedural planning may be a tool for achieving this goal, the measure of success is whether the people are satisfied with their choices hence limits the political and discretionary nature of the development-approval process by focusing on tangible harms and impacts of development.

It also avoids the mismatch arise from inconsistencies and uncertainties inherent in the evolution of communities as needs, preferences, and wants change over time; and minimizing the effects of poorly designed and implemented growth-management policies when goals are not well defined.

In a market-oriented planning, elected officials and planners do not try to determine the “best solution”—that is a decision left to the people to organizes and create a society that fit their needs. Contrary to the theory underlying conventional planning, in this increasing fast paced world, the “best solution” to a social problem continually changes, as do the needs of a community. The often bureaucratic procedural planning process, however, rarely moves quickly or efficiently enough to accommodate these changes.

In a market-oriented planning, planners and citizens use the efficiencies of the market to let the public administration or corporate planning change and evolve with the community.

An Process In Its Evolution

Like the It world which have developed from the traditional Procedural Programming to the phenomenon adoption of Object Oriented Programming, I would see that the same evolution taking place in the planning paradigm from the centralized Socialist Planning Process to the Market-Oriented Planning Process.

Driven by the same increasing changing pace, the planning community would not be able to face up the ever increasing challenges that brought along by the continuous changes with an old approach that would be efficient and effective enough in today’s eyes.

To be able to overcome the challenges of this new era, rather than relying on abstract visions of what a community should “look like,” vague concepts of “good” planning, or idealized notions of the Socialist Planning Process, strategic planner that turn to the Market-Oriented Planning Process could not only stop at the politically correct ‘people’s choice’ policy but have strive to achieve in a strategic plan that is simplicity, modularity, modifiability, extensibility, maintainability and re-usability.

Attitude of Chinese Youth towards Politics

The Political Value of youth today has to be viewed from the aspects of Political Psychology & Political Theory.

Look at the 2006 Merdeka Center Youth Survey. It shows that:

  • 64% of the surveyed youth think that Politics are complicated
  • 35% admitted that they don’t understand politics while
  • 26% think that politic is dirty.

IF government can guarantee economic growth, 41% youth are willing to give up election, among them

  • 49% Chinese
  • 37% Malay and
  • 48% Indian

Only 27% think that election is conducted fairly while only 8% think that they can affect the government.

On the other hand, the 2004 New Era College Youth Survey which focused on Selangor concluded that:

  • Political awareness is high but the involvement is low.
  • Most youth are concerned about corruption while
  • agree that the government policy affect Chinese youth significantly and
  • should allow more space for opposition.
  • These youth think that they are good citizens but
  • are willing to compromise law to achieve certain task.

Conclusions derived from these surveys indicated that our youth care about social issues more than political issues, which can further described as having a mindset of a residence in this country more than citizen. Their awareness is high but never participates in politics.

Development of youth mentality from the Agricultural age to industrial age then the information age has posed the following problems:

  1. Polarization – It’s a result from the heritage of anti colonial mindset from our education system, media, and (race based) political parties
  2. Education System – Its aim is to train worker for economical development using the social engineering approach. Hence trained generations of non-thinking youth – controlled with Higher Education Act.
  3. Economical Structure – Individualism, consumerism, materialism act as catalyst of the mindset of the youth.

Characteristic of these mindsets are: Hatred on politicizing of issues, Self-marginalization – think that their own vote is not important and would prefer migrate than the long term struggle of participating in politics.

Reason of the development: Lack of Political Idealism which caused the materialization of politics, and Lack of motivation which is a product of emptiness of the soul.

Never the less, facing these grey sentiments, youth worker like YMM have to determine in promoting the positive concept of Vertrical Heritaging & Horizontal Interaction actively among the youth. It is important to Seek the common value within the difference among the multiracial context of Malaysia.

Forces of Globalization

Globalization used to be widely celebrated as a new birth of freedom: better connections in a more open world would improve people’s lives by making new products and ideas universally available, breaking down barriers to trade and democratic institutions, resolve tensions between old adversaries, and empower more and more people (cf. T. Friedman, 1999; J. Mickelthwait/A. Wooldridge, A Future Perfect, 2000).

Just 10 years after, the very SAME term of globalization was used increasingly to express concern about the consequences of global change for the well-being of various groups, the sovereignty and identity of countries, the disparities among peoples, and the health of the environment (cf. Hirst and Thompson, 1996; J. Mittelman, ed., Globalization: Critical Reflections, 1996).

Globalization has thus become an issue in global debate, just like the one that we are havingat our time.

Being reported by World Bank as among the 24 nations the have globalize successfully and benefit from the process, Malaysia have seen the good and bad the powerful effect of the process as she had also been through the invasions and colonial times. The Asian values have kept us in mind to look at things from both sides as everything has its Yin and Yang. (I Ching)

The driving force of globalization is the same like since the Silk Road, the masters of the seas until the colonials: resources, trades and the human nature of adventurous exploration. Not much of the great ancient civilization remained and the most of the great trading nations raised hundred years ago crumbled never to return to their past glory, not to mention the wars that the colonial countries has to fight with their subjects. WHY? None of these globalization ideas worked?

In my opinion, our forefathers are not less clever than us, as we still based most of our system on their foundations. During their time, they have developed and achieved much – have they not able to see the warning signs? If not then, there are subsequently no less analysis and warnings for us to refer to. But, we are good at repeating history.

The syndromes of ruthless globalization venture: exploitation, inequalities and short sightedness as the local sentiments of protectionism, isolationism and even religion radicals does not grow out of nowhere. These are just the manifested mutation of the marginalized people groups being cornered to their desperation.

However, these obstructing forces of globalization are as dynamic as the driving force and closed door can be opened as opened doors can be closed. The main ingredient is the right intention, political will and strategy. Take the example of Malaysia, now there is a group of people that is hard core supporter of not only goods but culture from Japan, a country that invaded and occupied her before.

The current practitioners of globalization would have to play an active role to address the side effects of globalization ventures, as these world elite holds that power to decide on the faith of the people living in a foreign land they need to have to practice good governance and good world (be it corporate or political) citizenship. Bear in mind an old Chinese saying, “While the praying mantis is capturing the cicada, the oriole is watching from behind”, there are no less rising power that is prepared to seize the opportunity to swing the dynamic forces over just like history has shown us, over and over again.

May the force be with you.

How group study helps me

Study groups is very important for a distand learner. For me, it helps to retain the information I learned. It is like unconciously applying the learning techniques.

First of all, the study group ‘forces’ me to Study Regularly as it is out of the tutorial class and on top of my usual self studying schedule.

By coming out and meeting with fellow classmates to discuss the ideas not only i have to review & Organise the Information before hand but also motivates me to study better in order to have ‘face’ and keep up with the discussion in the group.

Besides that, the group Make the Material Meaningful, as there there will be group members that always ask about how to apply the information. Either by explaining or listening to the explaination, I got first hand experience on the relevance in daily of the newly acquired knowledge.

More importantly, as our group members are from different industries, this sharing of experience really broaden my view on how the things we learn in class can be applied to fields other than my own.

Combined all the above, all the interaction in the group and preparation need to come to a group, facilitated a environment that truely enables Studying Actively. The group sometimes mixed jokes, gossip and also some lunch/dinner session, whereby all the group members have to participate, think about and discuss (sometimes argue) active about the knowledge they learned. It has become part of our life, the paticipation has make it as if these learning are directly from our live experience.

Most of the time after a group session, though not long due to time contrain, there is a sense of familiar with the topic discussed.